Be Your Own Hype Woman
On My Instagram LIVE Q+A last week, I mentioned how a LOT of my time is spent managing my ‘Self’, before I can spend time managing my business.
Trying to create space in my mind to then…create new things.
With exercise.
With community.
With writing.
By consuming copious amounts of creative thought via podcasts & audio books.
Dealing with my anxiety.
(Yesterday - message to my sister “I’m feeling anxious- can you put Brayden on face time”). Brayden is my 6 yr-old nephew and time with any of those kids always calms me & refocuses my perspective.
Last week I had a booking at the Loft by a photographer and his model.
The model and I were chatting at the end of their session.
Talking about herself, and the energy it takes to steel yourself for a new shoot : “You really need to be your own Hype-Woman, y’know”
I knew exactly what she meant.
No one else is going to do it for you.
Especially when you are your own brand.
It’s endless self-prodding - nudging yourself forward, trying to build up a solid base of confidence + pragmatism.
Praying for Creative energy from the Gods of Artistry + Inspiration.
And most importantly, dragging our sorry-asses to the next Shoot/Project/Event on the heels of perhaps, the last failed one.
In hopes that we can snag that elusive Beauty/ Ingenuity in the next ‘one’.
Last month there was a Modelling Workshop held here at the Loft.
Clean-up conversations being what they are, one of the hosts was infinitely interested in ME and what I do.
“ Can you believe this girl?! What a bad-ass, she’s doing all these things ALL on her OWN”, she said, to her business partner.
And it’s funny — I’ve been doing everything on my own, all the time, forever — I rarely even notice. I’m so used it.
But She was right.
It IS pretty Badass.
There’s no husband at home, saving me or leading me.
No business partner to ping pong with.
I’m my own HYPE-WOMAN
✨Vest + Trousers @fredastoronto
✨ Studio @_sundaycreative